Sunday, March 8, 2015

How to unlock pattern lock using Gmail Account

This method is also easy, just go with the steps and 
unlock your phone

How to unlock pattern lock using Gmail Accounts

  1. Go to your pattern lock
  2. Try out different patterns till it says to stop for 30 seconds
  3. Now you’ll see an option “Forgot Pattern”, click that
  4. It will ask you for your Gmail account details
  5. Provide your Gmail ID and password and press ok
  6. Just confirm any step after this (if there is)
You have successfully bypassed the pattern lock.

How to unlock pattern lock using Backup Pin

When you have enabled the pattern lock then your phone must have asked for a security pin so that if you forgot your pattern lock then using that pin you can open your phone. If your phone didn’t asked for setup Backup Pin then there won’t be one, in that case you directly pass on to next method. For this follow the below steps
  1. Wake up your phone, so that pattern lock can be visible
  2. Try out 5 different or fake patterns so that phone says you to stop for 30 seconds (Fake pattern attempt number can vary from phone to phone so try this till you gets to the stopping point)
  3. Then an option will come there as “Backup Pin”, click that
  4. Enter the pin and press ok, your phone will bypass the pattern lock

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